Over the 50 years since it was first designed by Coeliac UK, the Crossed Grain trademark remains as important as ever across Europe and beyond reassuring consumers that a gluten free claim on pre-packed products can be depended on. Brands using the Crossed Grain are showing their commitment to those who need a gluten free diet by going above and beyond the regulations.
Aligned across Europe under the auspices of the Association of European Coeliac Societies (AOECS), of which Coeliac UK is a founding member, the Crossed Grain trademark is undergoing investment and being enhanced with new wrap around messaging, creating the new ‘Gluten Free Alliance’ brand.
As you can see at the ‘heart’ of the new brand is the Crossed Grain trademark, and all that it stands for, with the added distinctiveness of the Gluten Free Alliance wording. The aim is to create a stronger more relatable mark for brands to show they support the gluten free community here in the UK and across Europe. Together, we’re stronger, and it’s our hope that the Gluten Free Alliance will help us grow, so that safe gluten free food choices just keep getting better for our community.
More information on the roll out of the Gluten Free Alliance will be with you over the coming months.