Shopping habits survey reveals importance of Crossed Grain trademark

The Crossed Grain trademark shows that a product has been through a rigorous process, based on an international standard, to demonstrate that it is for safe consumption for people with coeliac disease and endorsed by Coeliac UK.

The findings come from a Coeliac UK survey into the shopping habits of gluten free consumers. It was completed by 6,500 people, 77% of whom have been diagnosed with coeliac disease.

Whilst gluten free products are a necessity for those with coeliac disease or a gluten related condition, they’re also crucial for brands. The gluten free market is currently worth an estimated £835m per year, with 1 in 10 shoppers regularly hunting for gluten free options.

Over three quarters (76%) of respondents say the products they purchase are licensed with the Crossed Grain trademark. Importantly two out of every three gluten free consumers say they trust products licensed with Coeliac UK’s Crossed Grain trademark more than they trust gluten free labelled products without the Crossed Grain trademark.

With coeliac disease being a condition for life, diagnosed people are a core customer base and are already a highly engaged audience, with 97% reporting to be aware of Coeliac UK’s Crossed Grain trademark.

The Crossed Grain trademark could save consumers time on the length of shopping trips and potentially increase brand loyalty, with 75% saying that reading ingredients on labels is time consuming, while 82% saying their shopping takes longer than before following a gluten free diet, so clearer labelling by brands and retailer in-store signposting would be welcomed.

Nearly all (95%) described Coeliac UK’s Crossed Grain trademark to be of importance when shopping for products for a gluten free diet.

To use the Crossed Grain trademark, products must meet a range of criteria to ensure that they are gluten free, both in terms of the ingredients and the production process.

Find out more about the Crossed Grain trademark here or get in touch and one of the team will follow up.